

Paddings Adjust the spacing between the banner and the next and previous elements on the page.
Border radius Adjust the edge rounding intensity of the borders and the elements within the banner.
Desktop height Adjust the minimal banner height with no content at all. Note that as the text content volume increases, the height increases as well.
Mobile height Adjust the minimal banner height with no content at all. Note that as the text content volume increases, the height increases as well.


Image Select an image for the banner. You can choose images either from your https://admin.shopify.com/content/files or the collection of free images. You can further edit the uploaded image: add a focal point and fill in an alt text.
Overlay opacity Dim the image to increase the legibility of the content in the foreground.


Title Fill in the title to draw customers' attention.
Text Fill in the information you want to convey.
Alignment Choose the content alignment within its background.
Width Adjust the width of the content background.
Background Adjust the type of background to make the content more visible. Choose between solid, outline, blurred, or transparent style, or don’t show the background at all.
Position Choose the content position on the banner.

Timer (Fixed date)

End date Fill in the date counted down to using the YYYY-MM-DD format. Note that without the end date, midnight tonight will be used.
End time (optional) Fill in the time counted down to using the HH-MM format (24-hour clock).
Style Adjust the style of background for the time units to make them more visible. Choose between plain, solid, or outline style with or without colons between the time units.
Desktop width Adjust the size of the time units on desktop.

Timer (Evergreen)

Time units Choose in which units to measure the remaining time.
Value Choose how many minutes, hours, or days a visitor has to get the offer.
Style Adjust the style of background for the time units to make them more visible. Choose between plain, solid, or outline style with or without colons between the time units.
Desktop width Adjust the size of the time units on desktop.


Label Fill in the button name to introduce the page it redirects to.
Style Adjust the style of the button. Choose between solid, outline, or link.
Link Choose a page within your store or enter a URL to redirect customers to another page when they select the button.


Background Pick the color for the content background.
Text Pick the color for the title and text.
Timer background Pick the color for the background of the time units.
Timer text Pick the color for the time units.
Button background Pick the color for the button.
Button text Pick the color for the button label.