Fixed-date timer Evergreen timer
Timer start The timer starts on a specific date and time and expires at that time, regardless of when a user views it. The timer starts when a user views it and expires after a set amount of time, such as 24 hours, 7 days, or 30 days.
Expiration When the timer ends, it will either remain as is or be hidden from the storefront and visible only in the theme editor. When the timer ends, it will do either of the following: remain as is, be hidden from the storefront, start again immediately or in one day.
Audience The timer is the same for all users. The timer is different for each user, based on when they view it.
Purpose To create a sense of urgency for a one-time event or promotion. To create a sense of scarcity for a personalized or exclusive offer.
Examples Black Friday sales, webinars, new product launches Free trials, discounts, bonuses